Frame description

This frame is evoked by words for Body_parts belonging to a Possessor. The Body_part as well as the body of the Possessor may be characterized by an adjective, the Descriptor.


1. Spinnen haben acht  Beine 1. Spiders have eight  legs.
2. Cornelias  Arm    ist gebrochen. 2. Cornelia’s  arm   is broken.
3. Herr Meier ist stolz auf seinen  wallenden pechschwarzen  Bart.        3. Mr. Meier is proud of his flowing, jet-black  beard.


Frame Elements

Frame Element descriptions (on hover):


The Body_part  is a body part or a subregion of the Possessor’s  body.


The  Possessor is the individual to whom the Body_part belongs.


The Descriptor is a characteristic or a description of the Body_part.