Frame description
The words and phrases in this frame reference the length of time some Entity has existed (or has filled some role). This length of time is the Entity's Age, and is sometimes expressed by a particular aspect of the Entity - the Expressor - such as a body part or a feature of the Entity (e.g. hands, voice). The Entity need not be a living thing; many of the words in this frame can apply to objects, organizations, etc., for example "das neue Buch" ("the new book").
1. Die Kinder wachsen und gedeihen. | 1. The kids are growing and thriving. |
2. Die Polizei glaubte der jungen Frau nicht. | 2. The police did not believe the young woman. |
3. Das vier Wochen alte Baby schläft in seinem Bettchen. | 3. The four weeks old baby sleeps in its crib. |